About Us

About Us

The Cairns Spiritual Centre Inc is a voluntary, not-for-profit non-denominational association dedicated to the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being of people from all walks of life.

Mission Statement

To promote the highest wellness, to encourage and inspire high vibrational aspects of spirituality by way of development, discussion and practice within a positive, affordable and balanced environment with and for the broader community.

The Spirit of what we are, our Purpose / Ethos

Cairns Spiritual Centre is a community of like-minded people supporting the spiritual evolution of consciousness and promoting self-healing and knowledge for all individuals.

We aim to teach, assist and guide people in a way that benefits their highest self and to leave people in a better condition than when they stepped into the centre.

Also, we offer and facilitate holistic spirituality and wellness along with a positive environment for the community.

Cairns Spiritual Centre Program